DEC 23 2023
by Niamh Murphy

CHUU is an artist largely associated with cheerfulness. Known as the bubbly, upbeat member of LOONA, or the quirky and fun web show host, she’s been defined by her sunny disposition and sense of humor.
With her recent solo debut, “Howl,” she gives fans a peek into her vulnerable side. The record introduces us to a new era of CHUU, one that maintains the same giddiness but also delves into dealing with insecurities and negative emotions.
YOUR NAME MAGAZINE chatted with CHUU about embarking on her new solo venture, her debut album, and how she’s feeling about being on the road.
YN: How has your experience been as a solo performer lately, as opposed to a group?
CHUU: In many areas, I have to lead alone or fill up the performance by myself. Though it is pressuring, it was definitely a new and exciting experience to fill all the 5 tracks of the mini album solely with my voice. I also think it gave me an opportunity to learn more about myself and grow as an individual.
“Howl” has a very different sound than previous work. What inspired this direction?
During my hiatus, I spent a lot of time reflecting on myself and getting to know myself more than ever before. Fortunately, it was time for me to mature internally. And alongside this new mindset, I wanted to approach music in a new direction as well.

Is this a direction you feel more confident in? Can fans expect similar concepts for future work, or will you always be trying something new?
Of course, I feel more confident, but more than that, I think I felt happier while working. I’m so grateful that I am able to start my solo career on a good note. I cannot confirm the next album yet, but I think it will probably be another challenge in some way. I would like to grow as a musician and become an artist who always brings new things to the table.
How do you want fans to feel when listening to your album?
I hope fans feel or think about the many aspects that make up Jiwoo and the messages I decide to convey and the aspects of myself I decide to reveal. I hope my music makes you feel closer to the person that I am, including my sensibility and my charms.
Are there any songs on Howl that you feel a stronger connection to?
Though I love all my songs, I’d have to say ‘Underwater’ and ‘Howl’. I feel like these songs were a source of comfort for me personally, so I am so thankful for these precious songs.
How are you feeling heading into your first solo tour?
I’ve wanted to interact with my overseas fans for a long time, and I think this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. Since my fans have waited for me, I want to show better stages and I hope it becomes a good memory that we can all enjoy together.
It must be nerve-wracking to perform as a soloist after years of group performances. Did you have any worries going into this tour? How did you address them?
When I was in a group, I never imagined performing alone for a concert where I have to fill the entire stage for a long duration. Instead of worrying about it, I think I’m more excited about being able to fill a space together with my fans through music. I plan to do my best for the upcoming tour and fill up the concert venue with my voice and energy.
Do you have any pre-show rituals you do to prepare for a performance?
I always make sure to take care of my physical condition, which includes my throat. And I need to eat a hearty meal before performing.
What city are you looking forward to seeing the most?
I’m looking forward to every city on the tour. This is my first time traveling to the U.S. like this, so I am very excited to explore every city’s different charms. But the one city that I am looking forward to the most is LA! It’s the only city I’ve been to before, and I’ve made so many good memories there. I am so happy to visit again for this tour.

What do you want fans to feel during your concert?
I hope my fans feel that we’re connected through music and maybe even feel like we’ve become together as one. And I hope my energies and thoughts are all delivered well.
You’ve explored so many avenues as a celebrity: group member, soloist, variety show cast member, YouTube show host. Is there anything else you’re interested in trying?
Although I have appeared in web dramas before, I would like to start acting more seriously someday. I think the act of expressing various emotions so delicately in front of a camera is very attractive. I am currently taking lessons and learning more about acting little by little.
You once said your motto was “Let's be grateful for every moment.” What moment, in the past year, are you most grateful for?
First of all, I feel very grateful to have my fans, KKOTI, members, and family by my side who always have my back and trust me. I feel most grateful now since my first solo album has been released and I can share it directly with my fans on stage.
What are you looking forward to most in the new year?
As I have made a new start as a solo singer this year, I am even more excited to continue my music career in the new year. I am planning a variety of appearances in various fields other than music.